おせっかいにもほどがあるFacebookによると、「and you read your emily dickinson, and i my robert frost…」というポール・サイモンの歌詞についての僕の英語の投稿に対して、友人が同じくポール・サイモンの歌から「僕はアメリカを探しにやって来た。みんなアメリカを探しに来るんだ。」と意味深な日本語でコメントをくれたので、それを英語に戻してやった。
i’ve come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america…
FIAT 500のオルタネーターは国内でも買えるが10万円もするのでとても手が出ない。ていうか、中古エンジンが買えそうな。。。海外のサイトではリビルト品が3万前後。でも、遠い異国から届くのを待ってはいられない。とりあえずキーの代わりにM6のイモネジをぶち込んでおく。長年の擦れで軸とスリーブの間にガタも出ているから、モンゴルで習ったアルミテープを巻いて誤魔化す方法をやってみた(W)。(ちなみに海外では新品、リビルトの本体だけでなく、ステーターやローターなどの部品も売っている。新品ローターは1万円ほどだから買っておこうかな)
The following article is a copy and its translated version of a Instagram/Facebook post that I wrote during my bike trip in Minnesota between Augst 31st. and September 3rd.– a short travel for visiting my former major professor.
I made it to the Smoky Hills State Forest, where I was supposed to do dispersed camping tonight, early enough so I can afford to spend time to walk into woods in search of a small clearing where I could pitch my tent. Stepping into an animal trail and wandering in a bushy forest for quite a while, I couldn’t even spot a tiny patch of campable land, ending up in vain. My modest ambition for dispersed camping in the Minnesota wilderness thus ended.
The following article is a copy and its translated version of a Instagram/Facebook post that I wrote during my bike trip in Minnesota between Augst 31st. and September 3rd.– a short travel for visiting my former major professor.
Smooth paved highways with lots of high speed traffic or rough graveled county roads with rustic scenery, which should I take?
An old barn and silo keeps a shadow of good ol’ days of Midwest.On the other side of the road is an abandoned farming truck all in rust.Larger the lake, flatter the road along the side. And easy riding.Maize fields and hay fields over and over…Maize fields and hay fields over and over…Nice landscape but tough pedaling on graveled country roads…Hay rolls remind me of my Hokkaido days, where I used to work on hay fields.