Something New…

“Great Purification Rite Doll”

Katashiro_on_BlueprintS[The word “blueprint” is a metaphor for a drawing to dream up a bright future.

However, this blueprinted plan discloses the bowels of the evil device that have taken away the future of many people.

If the nuclear power plants also have the indwelling spirits, I would like to relocate them, along with their sins and defilements, to the katashiro (paper figure), and offer a fervent prayer to have them pass into the nether world so that none shall return through all eternity.]

for higher resolution, click here

(tracing paper on blueprinted paper, 3’9″x2’3″, exhibited in the “No Nukes Art Exhibition” at Sakaimachi Gallery, Kyoto, Sept., 2013)


GreatPurificationRiteDoll2LowSaturationSphoto with higher resolution is here


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