ผักชี P̄hạkchī Phakchi パクチー

Phakchi (coriander): the straightforward name of the Thai eatery is a strong inducer, and of course, I can’t wiggle out from the charm…

It shows off a wheeled stall in the shop and posts the menu in Thai language on the wall, which meticulously reproduce the atmosphere of those shops and restaurants on the Khaosan road of Bangkok– more accurately, the shops of Khaosan I saw in the past because I haven’t been there for long.

Anyway, the food is tasty and for real. The only thing different from the real Kaosan shop is the price…

2016-05-03 20.45.02Mod 2016-05-03 20.48.19Mod 2016-05-03 20.51.24Mod 2016-05-03 21.14.07Mod


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