Com Ngon コム・ゴン

I love Vietnamese cuisine as much as Thai food.

When I was living in the outskirts of L.A., I frequently ate out at Vietnamese restaurants. There were so many good ones because L.A. had a big Vietnamese community near by in the Orange county.

In Madison, Wisconsin, I enjoyed being a student in an international community that boasted a you-name-it variety of ethnic restaurants. I loved to eat fresh spring rolls (or summer rolls) from one of vender stalls just by the Memorial Library. (I also liked the orange juice of another vender, but that should be left for another time.)

There used be a multinational cafeteria sort of shop called Cafe Sua near my Nishijin Tea House. Cafe Sua served a good Vietnamese Coffee, and I went there quite often to have a sip of it. Now that both Cafe Sua and my Tea House are gone, I rarely visit the area any more.

There may be some more Vietnamese restaurants in Kyoto other than Com Ngon; however, I only know this place, but it’s good enough– way better than expected, so that I don’t dare to search for the others, anyway. If only Com Ngon were in the vicinity of my place in Haradani…

2016-05-05 21.57.14Mod 2016-05-05 21.59.54Mod 2016-05-05 22.03.49Mod 2016-05-05 22.14.47Mod2016-05-05 22.21.16Mod 2016-05-05 22.22.49Mod 2016-05-05 22.34.28Mod 2016-05-05 22.41.14Mod


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