Shizuka 静香

2016-05-12 22.19.11

There is a cozy coffee shop near the corner of Sembon and Imadegawa street crossing: Sizuka is my favorite place though I am not a frequenter and usually go there only when accompanied. The mistress of the shop is an old lady and she likes talking very much, and I like to listen to her conversation with a regular customer, while I am chatting with my pal.


I once asked her about the shop’s name “Sizuka” which sounded like a feminine name, and I guessed it was hers. She explained that, when her father bought the shop, the name was succeeded along with the premises from the original owner who was a former geisha called Sizuka, thus the shop’s style.


The owner is a rather short lady and the shop’s counter is too high for her; yet, she stretches to reach for the tea tray on the counter when she serves coffee and pancake. I always like to see her demeanor which is like a cute little girl, standing on tiptoe, helping her parents to set the table for dinner of something.


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However, rarely has it been seen any more for her to walk around in the shop. Last couple of times I visited, she wasn’t spry as before. She seemed to have a physical problem in her knee or hip joint, had somebody else help her with fixing drinks, and just sat on a seat all the time as I was there; nevertheless, she was in high spirits and chatting with the customers as usual.


So, I didn’t  (or at least, try not to) worry about her health condition as long as she is full of pep– until recently when I noticed Sizuka was closed on a weekday, not once but consecutively…


2016-05-12 22.19.54

Takoyaki Rokuchan near Sanjo Shotengai was closed down unnoticed, and Tomoe restaurant on Horikawa street was gone and the building was taken down completely flat. I am anxious for my favorite shop mistresses who are at about my mother’s age. I just hope Shizuka’s owner is OK and her coffee shop will reopen soon.




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