The Hoop and Board バスケのリングとボード

When I was driving my Fiat 500 on a mountain road some years ago, I noticed an unusual object in the roadside bush. I pulled it out of the grass and it was a basketball ring.

A basketball ring? But why in the mountain? Well, I thought it was illegally dumped, and decided to bring it back home, because I always dreamed of having a basketball goal above the garage like ones I saw in the States.

However, the ring was much much heavier than I thought and I kinda regretted as soon as I picked it up– not just heavy, it looked huge on the rear seat of the miniature-sized Cinquecento, Ever since then, the hoop had been sleeping in the garage until yesterday morning, when I started to build the supporting beams and the board.

ところが、リングは思っていたよりめっちゃ重くて、拾い上げたとたんにちょっと 後悔した。重いだけじゃなく、ちっこいチンク号の後席でリングは巨大に見えた。それ以来ずっと輪っかはうちのガレージで眠っていた、、、支持梁とボードを作り始めた昨日の朝までは。

The job’s done! Whoops! I realized I hadn’t order a net and a basketball, yet! Gotta buy ‘em from Amazon or somewhere, now.

2016-05-20 19.02.38Mod

2016-05-20 11.10.28 HDR

2016-05-20 11.10.06 HDR

2016-05-20 11.09.21

2016-05-20 13.45.46

2016-05-20 13.50.06

2016-05-20 19.02.58Mod



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