I climbed down to town to get working. The owner of a cafe for which I did a little job on computer things gave me some goodies: N.Y.C souvenir popcorn and the Ninja Balls (formerly called Nishijin Balls)– Yummy! Yum yum…
There is a gate I like much. It is on the way to town. I took photos of it for the first time. Doraemon has Anywhere Door but this one is Nowhere door…
In the evening, when I went out again, the Moon and Venus showed up side by side just above the horizon.
On the way home, I encounter a tottering animal, which turned out to be a stray baby boar. It seemed to be separated from its mother and so confused that it couldn’t even run away. I had just waited on the road for a couple of minutes or so until it disappeared into the roadside bush.