Droning in the sky

2016-05-01 13.24.39 HDRWhile I was fixing the broken weathercock, doing an aerial act on top of a ladder leaning against the steep roof, my son flew his drone.

A birdeye view of the weathercock and me

The ridge of the roof, by the way, was about twenty feet above the ground, and the ladder was actually three shorter ladders tied together in order to extend the length to reach the tip of the roof– naturally very unstable, and of course it was so scary to climb up to the top of it. Well, somebody gotta do it, anyway.

Through with the weathercock mending, I moved on to a painting job of the roof. I had to put the long, swinging ladder on a gable side, and the ladder was even more unstable, but I had no choice to use it for painting the gable edge in white.

Thanks to my effort the white trims of the gables looked good, and the entire roof turned out very nice. The weathercock certainly added an air to the house as well.



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