the new bridge

2015-12-21 14.06.36 HDRThe old wooden bridge wasn’t too bad at all. Actually, I loved it for the natural material and the simple appearance matched the atmosphere of the wooden hut in the countryside. However, it’s time to build stronger and safer iron bridge because the house will be lent to a family with a toddler.

2016-05-02 18.23.36 HDR

They have two cars and it isn’t a good idea to park them on the steep and narrow sloped road across the stream. The bridge is strong and wide enough to bear the weight of a heavy 4WD minivan, so that they can pull their cars into the premises. Naturally, it cost me helluva money but I’ve gotta do it as the proprietor of the house…

Only one person came yesterday to build the bridge, but he was a man of dexterity, and finished his job within one day! I, on the other hand, have been working on my house renovation for more than half a year, and it’s not quite done, yet… Uhhh.. will be done today– hopefully.



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