What we ate for midnite breakfast

Chieriya is a cozy, very much handmade eatery. I love the atmosphere, which reminds me of Kailas Restaurant I frequented and spent hours with good cake and tea.

It was the second time I visited Chieriya, yesterday, and bought their specialty: Bahn mi, Vietnamese sandwich— mmmm yummy!!!

The lady who took our order asked me if we didn’t mind coriander leaves for the topping. I said “my son is dying for it”. The lady, handing the sandwich to us, added “I put on an extra amount of it so that I won’t be in trouble if he dies.” Naturally, the food tasted so good when me and my son ate it afterwards!

P.S. Their ginger ale is also good!

2016-05-08 00.04.28 2016-05-07 18.11.50 2016-05-07 18.12.15 2016-05-07 18.18.17 2016-05-07 18.20.24


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