
  1. And I stand corrected about “field goal” which I don’t remember ever hearing when watching or discussing basketball as a teenager.

    1. Like you, I too learned the term “field goal” from the football games, and when I was watching a basketball game on TV in the States (in English, of course), the announcer and the commentator used the term. I surely felt funny about that, but it turned out they were correct and the definition of field goal was on the rulebook. We don’t play basketball on a “field”, so I suppose basketball imported the term from the football.

  2. Well, I think you’ve done well to take advantage of a random hoop find and turn it into the real deal. Have fun shooting hoops with your fancy new ball!

    1. I am enjoying myself making things but not good at playing basketball by any means. I know I will be bored soon or later, but for now I am content with what I have done.


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