
How my Fiat 500 has acquired red ears

If you need, go to the Japanese article

2016-03-17 14.24.03 HDR

Cinquecentos in general have various door mirrors simply because side mirrors were (allegedly) not required around the time Cinques came out in Italy in the 1950s. So, they put on whatever available or their favorite stuff, today. However, it seems that most of their efforts have failed and the mirrors seen on the Cinques look neither functional nor aesthetical.

The former owner’s choice was even worse: black, bullet-shaped and too small– ugly and dangerous. I had replaced them with chrome-plated ones, and looked OK but still too small.

I thought it’s a good idea to install a pair of “present” Fiat 500’s door mirrors and tried, but in vain… They were too large (despite that the present one is relatively small compared with other ordinary cars).

Finally, after weeks of search throughout the web, I came across the door mirrors for the early Mazda Miata, whose rounded shape fits that of the Cinque, and bought a pair on the web auction. The original color was rather dull, so I painted them in red!

The angle of the door surface where the mirror was attached was too close to vertical. I had to make a wedge-shaped spacer to correct the angle of the mirror.  The spacer’s surface must be curved so as to fit the door’s curvature. The old Miata’s mirrors are not motorized and small enough to fit the micro Cinque, and their oval shapes go so well with round shape of my car.

Here they are:


I thought winter had gone…

It was a good fine day today, so that I slipped in my Fiat 500 to get to the mountain house.

Just about reaching the mountain pass, it started to snow. I was worried about the tires, which were not for snowed or frozen road.

2016-03-24 13.55.33

When I arrived, it looked the weather had recovered, but soon the situation started to get even worse. Then I decided to do stuff only for a few hours or so to be able to get back home before sunset.
2016-03-24 14.05.12

2016-03-24 14.15.00 HDR

2016-03-24 15.32.40

2016-03-24 16.29.53

I was sort of hurry to work, and made a major bummer– stepped on an old nail, which pierced the shoe sole and stuck in the thenar of my left foot so deep. It’s swollen and still aching even now…

2016-03-25 10.56.13Mod

Oh, well… I quit the day’s work much earlier, for it seemed a bad idea to continue in the miserable now with an aching foot. I thought I could have got more injury; the work of the day was mainly with a circular saw, which is very dangerous.

On the way back, the thermometer at the pass indicated “-1″(degree, Celsius= below freezing point).  There wasn’t much snow and the road surface wasn’t frozen yet, but if I went there after dark… uhhh… I don’t even wanna think…

2016-03-24 17.05.46

Fiat 500

My cute little Italiana, Fiat Cinquecento, is now hospitalized.

Although I had been working on her, repairing the wiring & harness, checking and monkeying the electrical stuff, like the windshield wiper, and so on, I finally came across the major bummer– the rotten body with panels that were rusted thorough here and there… uhhh, all over, more appropriately.

I might have been able to fix those metal-work stuff, but it would take a lot of arm’s grease and I cannot afford the time, since I am commuting to a house– far out in mountains– which I am fixing all by myself. I can’t drive the Fiat while I am doing the house, anyway. So, I decided to bring her over to the professionals of a local motor garage.

Waiting for my love to return home, I am daydreaming of modifying her with a pair of door mirrors which are originally for the new Fiat 500. These new mirrors may be a little too large, but I don’t mind. I photoshopped a photo of her so as to see how she would be looking like with the unusual rear-view mirrors.

Well, they surely seem too big and they make the Cinquecento appear like a doggy– but with them, cute isn’t she?

2016-02-03 14.53.49Mirror
present mirrors (real)
2016-02-03 14.53.49MirrorMod
fancying the door mirrors
2016-02-03 14.53.49MirrorModRed
red ears
2016-02-03 14.53.49ModNoMirror
no mirrors at all… years ago in Italy, it was OK

Fiat 500のワイパーその後

2016-01-15 15.18.27


山中でひとり淋しく朽ちようとしている赤いチンクからいただいた部品は、ウチの白チンクのそれらより程度が良い。何よりオリジナルのワイヤリングハーネス(電気配線)をいじっていないから、ワイパーモーターとスイッチを結ぶリード線のビニール被覆を元の色で追いかけることができる。つまり、車の配線は赤、青、白、黄などに加えて色の2016-01-19 23.38.29交じったダンダラもあって、回路図との対照が楽にできるようになっている。

一方、ウチの娘は前オーナーによってバッテリーの位置の変更され、配線もすべて更新されている。いただけないのはこの配線がこんがらがって何が何だか分からないこと。更新と言えば聞こえが良いけど、線の色も気ままに変えられていて、うっかり下手につなぐとショートして危険。(まるでスパゲッティ!・・・いやメドゥーサの髪か?)2016-01-19 21.55.28


2016-01-19 16.08.18そうやってこしらえたリード線のイタリア製ギボシコネクター、、、保護スリーブが欠落していて、スイッチに差し込んでも金属部分が露出する。こりゃ危ない。それで、熱収縮チューブを使おうとした。。。が、サイズが合わない。そういう時によくやる手が、チューブをラジオペンチの口ばしでムリヤリ広げるという荒ワザ。これ以上広げると破れる、というところまでグイグイやる。薄くなるので念のために二重に被せておいた。

2016-01-19 16.16.58で、すべてのコネクターを繋ぎ終え、恐る恐るメインスイッチを回し、ワイパーオンにしてみた。



2016-01-19 16.40.00ついでにヘッドライトまでも点いたり点かなかったりになりやがった、、、くそっ!電気の仕事で一番いやなパターンだ。もう真っ暗。その上、めっちゃ冷え込んできた。頭にヘッドランプ巻いてダウンジャケット羽織ってオーバーパンツ穿いて、、、登山かよ(笑)






2016-01-19 20.28.02P.S.






追記: 元のワイヤリングハーネスがあまりにもあんまりだったんで、意を決して2022年の正月に総取っ替えを決行した。(合計20日ほどに渡るので相当な覚悟が必要かと、、、)


FIAT 500 ワイヤリング・ハーネス全交換(•••の前哨戦)

Fiat 500(チンク)のワイパー と花背の家

2016-01-16 15.28.31チンクのワイパーが異常に遅い。一往復に10秒以上かかる。このままでは車検を通らないんじゃないか。



花背の家の修理に行くついでに、そのまだずっと奥の山中に放置されている赤いFiat500の所有者に許可を得て、めぼしい部品をいただく。死体から臓器 移植するみたいで赤いチンクちゃんには申し訳ないような、、、でも、そのまま朽ち果てるよりは、部分だとしても生き続けるんだからまだましじゃないか と、、、。(本当は人間の臓器移植について、同じようなことを言う人に対しては疑念というか抵抗を禁じ得ないのだけど)

2016-01-16 15.31.52


2016-01-16 15.29.44Mod 2016-01-16 15.31Panoramaで、肝心のワイパーモーターは、先日、別の部品を貰いに行ったときに燃料タンクを外しておいたのであっというまに取り外せた。ついでに、配線の一部とス イッチ、ヘッドランプ球、それに三角窓などもいただいてきた。赤チンクちゃんのボディーはもうサビが回りきっていて、手の施しようもない状態だけど、各部 品はそこそこ程度が良い。大切に使わせて頂きます~。

2016-01-16 14.50.51


2016-01-16 17.49.46日が暮れて帰り道、別所の村はずれの気温は-2度になっていた。

2016-01-16 19.15.09