These guys are my sons I made 25 years ago. One day, I had an opportunity to be a guest of a radio program my friend hosted then, and having known that I was a sculptor, the directer of the program, Mr. T, afterwards asked me to make something as a birthday present for his little daughter.
I don’t remember how I came up with the idea of tic-tac-toe with the pieces of snowmen and scarecrows. However, I do recall that I really enjoyed making these figures.
Sometime after finishing the present, I moved to Hokkaido and lost touch with the directer, but never forgot that work I made.
Several weeks ago, I had a Facebook friend request from a person I couldn’t remember for sure, so that I wrote a message to him to confess that I couldn’t recognize him. He replied without introducing himself and simply showed the photo (above) of the “snowmen vs scarecrow” game pieces along with a small fir-shaped shelf that also I made. Ping! Now, it was doubtlessly he, Mr. T!