Circumambulating the Tower of the Sun

2016-06-12 12.29.10

Circumambulating the Tower of the Sun 太陽の塔を右繞する

I wasn’t necessarily impressed by the Tower of the Sun when the Expo ’70 was open in Osaka. I was only a lad of nineteen then and regarded Taro Okamoto’s monumental tower as an epigone of Joan Miró‘s or some sort. It wasn’t until much later I became fully grown up that I realized Okamoto’s works, albeit influenced by Miro, were really something and unique. However, kids today love the Tower of the Sun so much, and to be honest, I am envious of their innate impressionability to art. I wish I had artistic aesthesia like them, too.

The other day, I visited the Expo Park and I circumambulated the Tower of the Sun in spite of my self, just like I did around Buddhist Temples in Tibet, though I was in a hurry on the way to the National Museum of Ethnology. Is the Tower becoming not just an objet d’art but an object of worship for me or something?

Uh, the video was taken on the way back, though. あ、ビデオは帰り道のやつだけどね。


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    1. いや、この記事は先週、民博で上映された『デルス・ウザーラ』を観に行ったときのことです。

      1. 昨日みんぱくの「音楽の祭日」というイベントで瓜生山オーバートーン・アンサンブルで演奏してきました。


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